Fastvideosaver Terms Of Service

  • Last Updated May 08, 2023

By using, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Please read these terms carefully before using our video downloader service.

1. Eligibility

You must be at least 18 years old to use our video downloader service. If you are under 18, you may only use our service with parental or guardian consent. If our service is prohibited by law in your area, you may not use our service.

2. User Submissions

a. You are solely responsible for any material you upload, create, submit, modify, or transmit via our website, including the media files transmitted or downloaded through our website, which is referred to as “User Submissions”. Our website does not guarantee the confidentiality of User Submissions. You acknowledge that the disclosure of personal information in User Submissions might make you personally identifiable.

b. You are entirely responsible for all of your User Submissions and the consequences of transmission, modification, creation, submission, or otherwise making available the User Submissions. By submitting User Submissions, you affirm that you:

  • Own the User Submissions or have the necessary licenses, permissions, or consents to use and authorize the use of the trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, and other legal rights of the User Submissions for all purposes considered by the site.
  • Will not upload or allow anyone else to post material that portrays any sexually explicit act.
  • Have obtained textual confirmation or permission from all personally identifiable individuals in the User Submissions to use their personal information, including their name and the correspondence of every person, to use the User Submission for all uses envisioned by the website.

c. You agree that you will not upload, transmit, modify, create, or make available any content that:

  • Is subject to third-party proprietary rights that are trademarked, copyrighted, or protected by trade secrets. It should not be used unless you have ownership or explicit permission from the owner of the material.
  • Is vulgar, illegal, defamatory, fraudulent, harassing, abusive, threatening, hateful, racially offensive, or otherwise unacceptable and inappropriate as determined by us in our sole discretion.
  • Portrays illegal activities or promotes physical harm against any individual or group; creates a false identity that impersonates any other person; or displays any act of cruelty or abuse to animals.
  • Establishes, promotes, or conveys instructions for a criminal offense or otherwise creates liability or violates local, national, or international law.
  • Is unauthorized or unsolicited advertisement, spam, or any other form of solicitation.

d. We do not claim ownership over User Submissions or third-party material. You or a third-party website possesses all copyrights of User Submissions, and you are solely responsible for the protection of those rights where applicable. By submitting User Submissions, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to reuse, publicly portray, distribute, publish, translate, or create derivative works and exploit User Submissions. You also irretrievably waive claims or allegations of moral rights in correspondence with User Submissions.

e. You certify that you have the power and authority to grant the rights of User Submissions. You also confirm that you have the rights to upload, access, modify, create, or otherwise make the User Submissions available on the website. You own the User Submissions’ title, and uploading it won’t infringe upon any third party’s rights.

3. Intellectual Property Notice:

a. Ownership: The content available on, except for the users' material and third-party content, is owned and licensed solely to us. This proprietary material includes text, graphics, pictures, source code, and trademarks. You agree not to share, copy, alter, transmit, or exploit these proprietary materials in any way.

b. Third-Party Content: You understand that content from a variety of resources, including Third Party Content, is available on our website. We are not responsible for any Third Party Content, including content that is offensive, inaccurate, or otherwise objectionable. By using our website, you waive any legal rights you may have against us concerning Third Party Content.

c. Ownership of Third Party Content: We claim no ownership over Third Party Content. The respective Third-Party websites retain all rights to their content and are responsible for protecting their rights.

d. Content Monitoring: We are not responsible for assessing the website for inappropriate content or conduct. We assume no obligation to modify or remove User Submissions or Third Party Content, even if we monitor the website and its content.

e. Content Usage: All content on our website, including Third Party Content and User Submissions, is provided on an "AS-IS" basis for your information and personal use online. You shall not copy, transmit, modify, display, sell, or otherwise exploit the material without prior written consent from the owner of the content.

f. Access Disallowance: We reserve the right to disallow access to any content on our website for any reason, with or without notice, at our sole discretion.

4. User Conduct:

a. Responsibility for Downloaded Content: Users are solely responsible for downloading any video and music owned by others. We do not take responsibility or ownership of the material contained in uploaded links. Our website only provides a tool for downloading videos from various online platforms. We do not support copyright infringement or the use of copyrighted material for commercial purposes.

b. User Warranty: By using our website, you warrant that the details you provide us are current and authentic. You also warrant that you have all the rights to (i) agree to these Terms, (ii) provide us with User Submissions, and (iii) perform the actions as mentioned in these Terms of Use.

c. Monitoring of User Activities: By using our website, you explicitly grant us permission to monitor, record, and log your activities on

d. User Conduct Conditions: Your usage of our website is subject to the following conditions:

  • You agree not to use the website for a purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms.
  • You agree to obey all pertinent local, national, and international laws and regulations.
  • You are solely responsible for all acts and omissions that arise due to your use of the website.
  • You agree not to use automated tools like robots, crawlers, or data mining services to download or use the data available on the website.
  • You agree not to take any action that imposes an unreasonably extensive load on our technology's server or otherwise makes excessive demands.
  • You agree not to "stalk" anyone through our website.
  • You agree not to falsify headers or other identifiers for hiding the origin of details you transmit on our website.
  • You agree not to interfere with the security measures of the website and not to disable the features that prevent users from accessing the website's content.
  • You agree not to make anything available on the website that contains computer codes or software viruses.
  • You agree not to sell, resell, or exploit the website commercially or any content to any Third Party.
  • You agree not to "frame" or "mirror" the website.
  • You agree not to reverse
5. Copyright Policy

a. We value and respect the intellectual property rights of all individuals. It is strictly prohibited to infringe upon the trademarks, copyrights, and other proprietary rights of any party. We reserve the right to remove any content that violates such rights and terminate your access to the website in case of such infringement.

b. Repeat Infringer Policy: If we receive three complaints against a user within six months, their access to the website will be terminated.

c. Although we are not governed by United States law, we comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. As per Title 17, Section 512 (c)(2) of the United States Code, we have designated a representative to receive copyright infringement claims for users who believe their trademarked material is being infringed. To raise such concerns, please email us at (our email). Your email should contain the following details:

  • Authorization of the copyrighted work that is being claimed to be infringed. Please include the URL of the authorized version of the work or include an original copy.
  • Description of the material and a link to help us locate the information over the web.
  • Contact details, including telephone, email address, name, etc.
  • A statement of your good faith that the use of the content complained of is not authorized by you or your agent.
  • A statement of the information's authenticity and your ownership claim or authorization to act on behalf of the person whose copyrighted work has been infringed.
  • Signature of the copyright holder or authorized individual.

e. If your User Submission has been removed from the website due to a notification of claimed copyright infringement, please provide us with a counter email to our representative that includes the following:

  • Your signature (physical or electronic)
  • Identification of the content that has been removed. Also, mention the location where the content existed before its removal.
  • A statement that the removed material is due to a mistake or misidentification of the material that's disabled or removed.
  • Your name, phone number, address, and email address, and the statement of your consent to the jurisdiction of the courts and the location where the copyright owner is located.
  • A statement of your acceptance of the service process from the copyright owner or the agent.
6. Services Provided on the Website

You understand that the website is primarily a search engine and downloader. The website permits you to search multiple platforms on the web for videos and allows you to download videos from anywhere on the internet. However, the website must be used in compliance with applicable laws. We do not promote or condone any acts that violate the law with the use of our website.

7. Changes to the Terms

We reserve the right to make changes to these terms of use or discontinue the provision of our services at any time. We recommend all users carefully read and review these terms regularly to stay informed of any updates.